Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 20, 2019

In our naivete' we hoped that our first African-American President would be a patriot and honor our nation as well as the great contribution that the Black culture has made to the American landscape. But, we were duped. More important to Mr. Obama than being the first Black President of the United States was the mission for which he was groomed. To subvert our freedom and turn our great nation that was made on the backs of our war heroes and those who sacrificed their lives for it into a marxist/communist nation that would serve the DS cabal and betray Israel.

I pray now that all Black Americans will look at the legacy that our Republican President Abraham Lincoln died for when he freed the slaves and that they will leave the democratic party. Today, the Black community has a chance with this President, Donald J. Trump to finally immerge from the struggle and the lies and begin to work side by side with all Americans to make our nation great again and to heal the damage done by this previous administration. I think that the ideology of racism has been highly fueled by the puppets of the cabal and that if we look deep inside of our own hearts, we are not racists. We love our different cultures that make America the rich tapestry that it is and we judge each man or woman by the "content of their character" (to quote the great Martin Luther King, Jr.) no matter their color. It's not racism to condemn bad behavior! Larceny and lawlessness is not a color but does not discriminate and is an equal opportunity vice of any culture.

History will show that this former President, Barak Hussein Obama was not who he portrayed himself to be. He lied to us. He sold us out. The nation was in a downward spiral when he left the Oval Office. You may not like President Trump, but he was sent to do a job and we the people hired him to turn America's ship around. You may not like his policies to Make America Great Again, but consider this. The people who are telling you now that they are going to take care of you? Are going to take care of you alright. Just like Somalia, Venezuela, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Russia and many other "socialist/communist" countries that are suffering from genocide, starvation, torture, religious discrimination and abject poverty, they want to enslave you and control you. All of the immigrants that are flooding our border are running from a similar poverty of life and oppression and yet the democrats hope that they will come into our country, get all their free programs and vote for them. That right there will turn this nation into the same 3rd world country from which they so desperately wanted to escape. You see the same despots that are running the countries that they are fleeing are hoping that you'll come here and vote for them, so that they can rule over you. A free society is not a controlled society.

What you love about America is the freedom to choose. The ability because of our capitalistic society to achieve whatever you can dream about. Why not come to America for all the great attributes that you desire and join with us legally to uphold those tenets that have made this nation the greatest nation in the world.