Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 20, 2019

In our naivete' we hoped that our first African-American President would be a patriot and honor our nation as well as the great contribution that the Black culture has made to the American landscape. But, we were duped. More important to Mr. Obama than being the first Black President of the United States was the mission for which he was groomed. To subvert our freedom and turn our great nation that was made on the backs of our war heroes and those who sacrificed their lives for it into a marxist/communist nation that would serve the DS cabal and betray Israel.

I pray now that all Black Americans will look at the legacy that our Republican President Abraham Lincoln died for when he freed the slaves and that they will leave the democratic party. Today, the Black community has a chance with this President, Donald J. Trump to finally immerge from the struggle and the lies and begin to work side by side with all Americans to make our nation great again and to heal the damage done by this previous administration. I think that the ideology of racism has been highly fueled by the puppets of the cabal and that if we look deep inside of our own hearts, we are not racists. We love our different cultures that make America the rich tapestry that it is and we judge each man or woman by the "content of their character" (to quote the great Martin Luther King, Jr.) no matter their color. It's not racism to condemn bad behavior! Larceny and lawlessness is not a color but does not discriminate and is an equal opportunity vice of any culture.

History will show that this former President, Barak Hussein Obama was not who he portrayed himself to be. He lied to us. He sold us out. The nation was in a downward spiral when he left the Oval Office. You may not like President Trump, but he was sent to do a job and we the people hired him to turn America's ship around. You may not like his policies to Make America Great Again, but consider this. The people who are telling you now that they are going to take care of you? Are going to take care of you alright. Just like Somalia, Venezuela, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Russia and many other "socialist/communist" countries that are suffering from genocide, starvation, torture, religious discrimination and abject poverty, they want to enslave you and control you. All of the immigrants that are flooding our border are running from a similar poverty of life and oppression and yet the democrats hope that they will come into our country, get all their free programs and vote for them. That right there will turn this nation into the same 3rd world country from which they so desperately wanted to escape. You see the same despots that are running the countries that they are fleeing are hoping that you'll come here and vote for them, so that they can rule over you. A free society is not a controlled society.

What you love about America is the freedom to choose. The ability because of our capitalistic society to achieve whatever you can dream about. Why not come to America for all the great attributes that you desire and join with us legally to uphold those tenets that have made this nation the greatest nation in the world.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

2/21/19      "The Counterfeit before the Authentic"

What does the  "Women's Movement" of the 1960's have to do with now?

Just my perspective, and I come from a conservative Christian woman's point of view, but are these women who are in our government i.e. A.O.C., Kamala Harris, Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Ihan Omar, Maxine Waters etc. shooting themselves in the foot?  Or is it just my bent from where I stand?  Honestly, if I were a liberal, these women would have driven me toward the republican party by now and I know many who have switched since our President Trump was elected.  They may not have voted for him, thinking he was just what you see on the face, but now they are seeing his "fruit".  You may not like the man, because he doesn't behave presidential.  Like Obama or Bush?  Aren't we tired of that?  We have real issues in this country and the divide amongst us deplorables is not that great.  They want you to think it is, to divide and conquer you. 

Is our beloved President a racist because he wants to secure our border with Mexico?  Or does he truly have information and knowledge to issues that we may not be privy to and he is trying to tell us in the strongest language that it needs to close and be secured because he is the President and he "knows" things.  Is he a racist because he calls M. W. a "low IQ person"?  Or does he know the kind of criminal activity that she is involved in using her office for her and her families' own gain and once again is calling it like it is.  Do you really, either side, want another smooth talking, lying politician whatever color or party who are in so deep they can't tell you the truth or do you want the truth, even if it hurts.  Apparently not.  Like in the movie, "A Few Good Men" where Jack Nicholson yells at Tom Cruise, "you can't handle the truth"!  Even Nancy Pelosi our Speaker of the House, who had to return some big favors even to be elected by her colleagues discriminates against this President because he's 'on to her game' and so she calls him names too.  What are they hiding?

Ask yourself why these particular women are leading the charge against our party and our President.  They are the fake crusaders with twisted ethics, morals and ideas, who call themselves progressives, like HRC and who are really only looking for power, money, status and fame.  A few of them might love America, but some of them have been schooled to hate our American way and they are subversive traitors in their hearts and maybe a couple of them are truly looking for power to undermine our way of life out of vengeful vendettas forged by our foreign policies overseas.  Can't blame them, but that's another issue for another blog.  We need to police ourselves in ethics and morals or those who have none will police us.

So to the point, "the counterfeit before the authentic".  The enemy of our souls always sends in the fake before the authentic can stand up and state the truth as this enemy wants to pervert the truth.  There is a movement of women, similar to the one that started in the sixties (although it's genesis goes back to the late 1800's) but in contrast, who are righteous, peace loving, forgiving and loving, who love our country, their husbands and want to raise their families in faith, honesty, justice and in peace.  Who want to achieve goals besides having babies and running a household or being a wife, but who know what is important and can do all things.  Does she have a right?  Of course, but just the way God made us man and woman, we have certain gifts and physical characteristics which put us in a role from which it is hard to escape.  Oh, you can try to get out of it, if you are LGBTQ, you're trying but that price is also very high.  This is what has spawned the myth of "genderless society".  It's a travesty to righteousness in God to rebel against what God has deemed.  It will not go well for us as a society to continue killing our babies and teaching our children whether boy or girl, that they can choose what gender they want to be.  Vilifying boys who have testosterone or girls who have estrogen as early as 1 or 2 years old.  How progressive they think that they are.  How elite and erudite!

Beware "Women's Liberation Movement", you are about to be "Trumped" by real women.  Who love their husbands, their boys and girls and who can still be educated, vote and have careers.  You've never been freer.  You've never been more powerful.  It's time to rise up and teach Christian ethics, and to love our country.  To love ourselves and one another.  Don't let this current group of hateful leftists women dictate your identity.  Let's do this in love and not hate. Let's rise up, for now is the time.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


This man is the example of one of our great patriots who has training, education, wisdom and courage. Gen. Mattis is an even tempered, fair and incredibly centered individual. He is trying to help all of us understand what is happening. If you want the truth of what's coming, watch some of the Mexican news outlets. They are telling the truth! This is an invasion.........Americans whose property is on the borders are terrified every day. The steady flow of illegals who cross over (approximately are showing up and intimidating these communities. They are in mortal fear for themselves and their children's lives as the illegals hang around the schools and either sell drugs or they are human trafficking. Yes, there have been rapes and murders by these thugs.  They are are not meek and mild. They are strident, felonius and looking for a way to make money. Do we feel for those who truly are suffering? Absolutely, but this didn't happen to them overnight. Why are they all coming in the guise of this "invasion"?Bought and paid for by left wing factions who want to embarass this President and our country. Lawlessness is taking over and believe me when I tell you that you as liberal thinkers will not like the results. You have no idea what this will mean for you and your children. Don't blame President Trump for this, it is manifesting because finally someone has the courage to stand against what has been slowly seeping into our society for decades. Even Mexican and South American immigrants who are now legal citizens, who made application and did it right are fed up with our Democrat leadership who refuse to take care of this situation with any salient remedy. We are bullied into thinking that we are bad people if we don’t try to sort through thousands of people who show up to the Border all at one time!  What as tax payers do you say about what this is costing you?  Well, it’s costing the U.S. Government tax payers between $50, billion and $300 billion a year according to Politifact a Pulitzer Prize winning editorial faction that reports the facts in politics.  It's hard to calculate apparently.  However, we know that when an illegal comes from any country our welfare system is set up to aid them, educate them and so on.  Wake up! This is an invasion

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


I have compassion for these people in the caravans, those who are looking for a better life for themselves and their families.

You can blame the last 4 administrations, democrat and republican (globalist-NWO) alike for the policies that have allowed these people's native countries to fail. We have sent them aid and money but we have not insisted that the corruption be cleaned up. Instead of money we should have offered to send them advisors to help them make a better country for their people. Otherwise they would receive no aid, no money! Our past presidents have encouraged drugs and gangs to enter in along with the ones who want a better life. It's big business and there are payoffs for the global/socialist mindset.

The so called innocent ones are also breaking the law with no consequences. The pressure that this has put on our country is enormous and our taxes keep going up to pay for this. Hospitals have gone bankrupt in the inner cities to pay for this. The liberal/globalist agenda would have you pay to care for these illegal aliens, educate them and then speak their language. When will it stop? It's not "mean" to put troops on our border. Finally, we are defending our country's policies and it's tax paying legal citizens instead of foreign countries. Now after 4 or 5 decades, our failure as a good mentor nation has led to this. If it becomes a violent situation, which I pray it will not, the U.S. has been pushed to this. Under this President, we are finally looking out for our nation. What a concept? His hard stand to protect this nation will not go un-criticized by the globalists. It's what they've been waiting for.......but it will backfire on them. The same as all the harsh and vial criticism of this President and his family by Hollywood and others. It has blown up in their faces. Pray that the failed nations of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras and the South American nations will step up and take care of their own. Where is their compassion? Where is their need to protect their citizens?

I don't want to hear about what a Christian should think or do. Jesus was not a doormat. He was righteous. You do the right thing and stay in order and these things are abated. When will we have compassion on the unborn babies that are aborted in the thousands daily, instead of the separating of illegals from their own children, which became their choice when they traveled here to break the law. When we take care of the homeless and our vets and widows and orphans, then you can cry about the plight of other nations citizens. When we investigate the illnesses that are transmitted through our own mandatory vaccinations of babies and children in this country and fix that situation, then we can help these 3rd world nations with their health issues.

Finally, we have a non-political patriot President who, just like all of us, was sick and tired of the decisions made that always benefited others and put America as the villain. Our country under this last administration was on the path to hell. This is why they fight so hard against our President and his family. The younger generations who are pushing this socialist/globalist agenda have been brainwashed since infancy with the skewed hidden messages of the news media, educational systems and TV entertainment. They've been planning this for decades leaving us with generations of non-patriots, educated under the globalist agenda. Our educational system has been led by this agenda. Civics and government and the history of our nation has been twisted to make us out as villains and profiteers. We were a God fearing nation, but they have even removed God from all walks of life so as not to offend the immigrants and those who don't believe.

I pray that the confrontation at the border will be peaceable and that their own nations will step up and receive them and help them. It will be unfortunate if people are hurt because of the past failed policy and their own nations failure to do the right thing for the people. The globalists and their handlers are hoping that this confrontation will finish Trump off. Guess what. I wouldn't bet against this President. He is the anecdote to the infectious disease that has pervaded our country for years now. If you don't like his style, maybe you should go to Mexico or Venezuela or Germany and see how you like living in a controlled state. Why do you think these people are leaving and desperately trying to enter our country? They aren't trying to invade Venezuela! You will need to examine your motives and your own agenda now and take the hard stand to defend your own freedom. Wake up America, you will need to fight for your freedom now. It's worth fighting for.......God bless America.