Thursday, November 15, 2018


This man is the example of one of our great patriots who has training, education, wisdom and courage. Gen. Mattis is an even tempered, fair and incredibly centered individual. He is trying to help all of us understand what is happening. If you want the truth of what's coming, watch some of the Mexican news outlets. They are telling the truth! This is an invasion.........Americans whose property is on the borders are terrified every day. The steady flow of illegals who cross over (approximately are showing up and intimidating these communities. They are in mortal fear for themselves and their children's lives as the illegals hang around the schools and either sell drugs or they are human trafficking. Yes, there have been rapes and murders by these thugs.  They are are not meek and mild. They are strident, felonius and looking for a way to make money. Do we feel for those who truly are suffering? Absolutely, but this didn't happen to them overnight. Why are they all coming in the guise of this "invasion"?Bought and paid for by left wing factions who want to embarass this President and our country. Lawlessness is taking over and believe me when I tell you that you as liberal thinkers will not like the results. You have no idea what this will mean for you and your children. Don't blame President Trump for this, it is manifesting because finally someone has the courage to stand against what has been slowly seeping into our society for decades. Even Mexican and South American immigrants who are now legal citizens, who made application and did it right are fed up with our Democrat leadership who refuse to take care of this situation with any salient remedy. We are bullied into thinking that we are bad people if we don’t try to sort through thousands of people who show up to the Border all at one time!  What as tax payers do you say about what this is costing you?  Well, it’s costing the U.S. Government tax payers between $50, billion and $300 billion a year according to Politifact a Pulitzer Prize winning editorial faction that reports the facts in politics.  It's hard to calculate apparently.  However, we know that when an illegal comes from any country our welfare system is set up to aid them, educate them and so on.  Wake up! This is an invasion

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